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Dr. Meg Myers Morgan is an award-winning author, TEDx Talker, motivational speaker, and college educator. 


Her forthcoming book, You Got This (Seal Press, 2018), is a work and life guide to help women negotiate for all they want in life, love, and work. Meg is also the author of Harebrained: It seemed like a good idea at the time. The book was awarded a gold medal in humor from the Independent Publishers Book Awards, and was recognized as a Foreword Reviews "Book of the Year." Her essay "Tabling the Discussion", about female behavior in the classroom, was a cover story for The Chronicle of Higher Education


Based on the themes in her writing, Meg gave a TED Talk, “Negotiating for Your Life”, for TEDxOU in 2016. She regularly gives public talks on women's issues, primarily in the area of professional development, leadership, and personal growth.  


Meg is an assistant professor at the University of Oklahoma. She is the director for the graduate programs in Public Administration and Nonprofit Management on the OU-Tulsa campus. She holds a PhD and an MPA from the University of Oklahoma, and a degree in English and Creative Writing with honors from Drury University.

She currently serves on the Board of Directors for the YWCA of Tulsa, an organization committed to empowering women and eliminating racism. She lives in Oklahoma with her husband, their two daughters, and their two dogs.

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